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“Bound by a False Beast” depicts a man standing on an open chair-cage, straining at ambiguous bonds while looking cautiously for the unseen captor. The energy of movement makes clear that the soul is free even if the body is not.

Moser most successfully adds to his palette the energizing elements of intrigue and challenge - and hope, for even here, the faint possibility of escape enlivens this portrayal of the human condition.

Other paintings make their own significant contributions to the rich tapestry of this collection, and not to be overlooked are the relatively smaller “Distressed Heads I, II, III and IV.”

These capture the power of emotion in the midst of anguish, with each of these very different “portraits” hinting of saints in torment or angels facing down their executioner.

The themes of death and resurrection are expressed most directly in “Of Stone Like Thee,” wherein a Christ-like figure levitates over his stone catafalque, while the stone coffin-lid floats below the roof of the cave.

The painting captures the precise moment which is both ending and beginning, death and renewal, drawing us into a surreal moment reflecting a greater reality.


I | II | III

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